Saturday, June 13, 2009


Buildings 6 and 7 now have walls. I was outside putting up the balloons when the waft of fresh cut lumber entered my nose. There are many scents that I love, one of them happens to be fresh cut lumber. There are many reasons why I love it, the freshness of it, the sweetness of it, but most of all I love that it means I work for a builder that is building new homes. I am encouraged that in this tough economy, Arbor is standing the test of times. What sets Arbor apart is the quality of neighborhoods they build. Yesterday when I drove in to my personal residence (an Arbor neighborhood) I noticed the well groomed grass, the green leaves on the trees and the happy homeowners walking. As I come in to Arbor Pass, I see that same vision a year down the line.
Above you will find building 7. The first picture was taken three weeks ago and the other was taken today.

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