Thursday, February 17, 2011

Red Means Stop for Right Turns Too

Effective February 11, 2011, illegal right turns on red (such as rolling stops) will be added to the other red light traffic violations enforced at Photo Red Light intersections. Drivers who do not come to a complete stop at a red light before turning right will now be issued a citation when their violation is caught on camera at a Photo Red Light intersection. The Photo Light Intersections will include: Beaverton Hillsdale Highway/Griffith Drive, Hall Blvd/Scholls Ferry Road, Cedar Hills Blvd/walker Rd, and Allen Blvd/Lombard Ave. Keeping the citizens safe on roadways is a high priority for the Police Department. The goal of the Department's Photo Red Light Enforcement Program is to reduce violations, crashes and injuries. The department will now enforce right turn on red traffic violations at the intersections above mentioned. I was not sure how advertised this information was, so I thought it would be important for our Arbor Custom Home families to be aware of the new laws. It is still legal to make a right turn on a red signal once you have come to a complete stop at the stop line. So slow down and make sure to come to a complete stop.

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