Thursday, December 23, 2010

Time for Reflection!!!!

As 2010 comes to an end, it is always a good time to reflect. This year has been a very exciting, but challenging year for me professionally. It has been so wonderful coming to work for Arbor Custom Homes. I feel so fortunate, in this economy, to have had such an exciting opportunity. I love it!!!! I really enjoy the people I get to work with. Kristi, the sales office manager is awesome to work with. She loves being the property manager at Arbor Pass, and is so enthused to teach me everything she knows about the condo's. We have had such fun working with buyers and meeting potential buyers. The real estate market has been challenging, but the Arbor team works so well together to make our buyers excited about the buying process. I hope that 2012 brings peace, joy and health and happiness. Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

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