Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Housing sector could be recovering, Washington Post says

The housing sector seems to have finally bottomed, and may even be rebounding, according to The Washington Post, which cited data released over the past several weeks. "Housing has switched from being a drag on overall growth, to modest positive contributions,” the newspaper quotes Brian Bethune, chief economist of Alpha Macroeconomic Foresights. as saying.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas From The Korenthal Family

The Korenthal Family Shopping At The Mall
I wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Building 21 Underway

Building 21 just started and will be ready for moving in, in June

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall Is In The Air

I think my feminine side came out when I decorated the office. I love fall, probably because growing up in California, the leaves were only 2 colors, green and brown. I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving. Come on in and check out how my decorating looks.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Intel's quarterly outlook beats Street

(Reuters) - Intel Corp forecast quarterly revenue above Wall Street's expectations, defying concerns that the growing popularity of tablets and a shaky economy are eating into demand for personal computers.

Intel said revenue in the current quarter would be $14.7 billion, plus or minus $500 million. Analysts on average had expected current-quarter revenue of $14.23 billion, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Intel's processors are used in 80 percent of the world's PCs but the company has failed to gain traction in mobile gadgets like Apple Inc's iPad and Google Inc's Android smartphones. It also increasingly depends on China and other emerging markets to make up for weak sales in the United States and Europe.

GAAP net income in the third quarter was $3.5 billion, up 17 percent. Earnings per share were 65 cents.

The world's leading chipmaker said non-GAAP revenue in the third quarter was $14.3 billion, up 29 percent and higher than the $13.87 billion expected on average by analysts, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Shares of Intel rose 2.6 percent in extended trade after closing up 0.52 percent at $23.40.

(This story corrects GAAP vs Non-GAAP in the fourth paragraph.)

(Reporting by Noel Randewich; Editing by Richard Chang)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall 2011 Move-in Ready Package

Purchase a home by 10.31.11

and we’ll add our move-in ready package for FREE*

•Stainless Steel Refrigerator

•Washer & Dryer


*With full price offer. See the site agent for specific details as products may vary between neighborhoods and are subject to availability.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Living in Oregon…According to Jeff Foxworthy


•If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don’t work there, you live in Oregon.

•If you’ve worn shorts, sandals and a parka at the same time, you live in Oregon.

•If you’ve had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed the wrong number, you live in Oregon.

•If you measure distance in hours, you live in Oregon.

•If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you live in Oregon.

•If you have switched from ‘heat’ to ‘A/C’ and back again in the same day, you live in Oregon.

•If you install security lights on your house and garage but leave both doors unlocked, you live in Oregon.

•If you can drive 75 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you live in Central, Southern or Eastern Oregon.

•If you design your kid’s Halloween costume to fit over a 2 layers of clothes or under a raincoat, you live in Oregon.

•If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow and ice, you live in Oregon.

•If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction, you live in Oregon.

•If you feel guilty throwing aluminum cans or paper in the trash, you live in Oregon.

•If you know more than 10 ways to order coffee, you live in Oregon.

•If you know more people who own boats than air conditioners, you live in Oregon.

•If you stand on a deserted corner in the rain waiting for the “Walk” signal, you live in Oregon.

•If you consider that if it has no snow or has not recently erupted, it is not a real mountain, you live in Oregon.

•If you can taste the difference between Starbucks, Seattle’s Best, and Dutch Bros, you live in Oregon.

•If you know the difference between Chinook, Coho and Sockeye salmon, you live in Oregon.

•If you know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Clatskanie, Issaquah, Oregon, Umpqua, Yakima and Willamette, you live in Oregon.

•If you consider swimming an indoor sport, you live in Oregon.

•If you know that Boring is a city and not just a feeling, you live in Oregon.

•If you can tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese and Thai food, you live in Oregon.

•If you never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho, you live in Oregon.

•If you have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain, you live in Oregon.

•If you think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or tourists, you live in Oregon.

•If you buy new sunglasses every year, because you cannot find the old ones after such a long time, you live in Oregon.

•If you actually understand these jokes and forward them to all your OREGON friends, you live or have lived in Oregon.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Back From Vacation

My Brother And Me At The Top Of Our Climb
Even with how busy it has been here at Arbor Pass, I needed to spend some time visiting my family in California. My mom is sick and really felt lead to see her. So my brother paid for my plane ticket to California, where I am originally from. My payment back to my brother was a 30 mile bike ride with 15 miles of it up hill. My brother lost his left leg in a car accident when he was in high school. He now loves to cycle not letting his disability slow him down at all.
Well, I am back and ready to work.

Last Home at Arbor Crossing is Sold!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Last Home At Arbor Crossing

Last Home at Arbor Crossing!

716 NW Newstead Terrace: Windsor Classic Package, stainless steel Whirlpool appliances with gas range, wood laminate floors on entire main level, walnut cabinets with bronze knobs, granite counter tops with full height diagonal tile backsplash, Hunter Douglas blinds, corner unit with tall ceilings & lots of light & attached garage.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Pumpkin Time

Do you believe that fall is just around the corner? Now this is my wife's favorite time. She loves the leaves turning, getting costumes and candy for the kids. We always make it to a pumpkin patch. Below is a list of places where you can get your pumpkin.

■Bella Organic Portland Pumpkin Farm, September 3-October 31, NW Portland

■Fazio Farms, dates TBD, NE Portland

■The Flower Farmer, September 24-October 31, Canby

■Kruger’s Farm, September 23-October 31, Sauvie Island

■Lake View Farms, North Plains

■Lee Farms Pumpkin Patch, Tualatin

■Liepold Farms Harvest Festival, October 1-31, Boring

■Philip Foster Farm Cider Squeeze, September 24, Eagle Creek

■Plumper Pumpkin Patch, September 17-October 31, NW Portland

■The Pumpkin Patch, September-October 31, Sauvie Island

■Roloff Farms, October 1-30, Hillsboro

■Smith Berry Barn Apple Festival, October 15-16, Hillsboro

■Squishing of the Squash & Howloween, October 28-30, Oregon Zoo (Portland)

■West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta, October 22, Tualatin

Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 Years

Where were you on 9/11 10 yeas ago? I was getting ready for work when I heard the news from my mom. I turned on the TV and couldn't believe what had happen. My work (in California) was in a building that had Stanley Morgan Dean Witter as its main tenant. When I got to work they told me the devastation. Their company occupied an entire floor of one of the buildings of the Twin Towers. Fortunately the floor was under remodeling and most of their colleagues were not there.
I remember thinking, how can a human drive a plane into a building. How can a city deal with so much tragedy? What will this do to our country, make it stronger or divide us more?
You see my wife and I planned a trip to NY months before 9/11. We thought about canceling the trip. I called NY's box office where we ordered our tickets for a Broadway play. I asked them if I should cancel the tickets, she said "NO!" That would only hurt their local economy more. So we ventured out.
With a heavy heart we boarded the plane to New York. It was strange, flying for the 1st time since the attacks. Security was crazy about checking every bag and every person. I thought about the people that were on all 4 planes the terrorists high jacked. What went through the passengers minds, especially flight 93 who knew what was going on with the Twin Towers? I imagined me on that fateful flight calling my wife telling her I would not be home for dinner. When we finally got to New York City, we could smell the awful smell of the buildings still smoldering. The streets were wet to keep down the dust of the dump trucks hauling debris. New York City is known for its rudeness, not when we were there. They welcomed us with open arms. God Bless America was every where. You could see sheets saying things like, "I Love NY, City Of Heroes."

Probably the most shocking thing I saw was the dump trucks lined up. One had the words: Air Craft Parts Only. Something that should never be part of a building. It was an experience that will forever stay in my mind.
I love the slogan, "9/11, Never Forget." That is exactly what we should never do, forget!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Big Boy

Here is a picture of my son on his very 1st day of school. Arbor Custom Homes was so nice to let me take the morning off to walk my son to school. I am so proud of him.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Conversion Is Done



Our office has been converted into 4 nice garages. Although not quite as pleasing to the eyes, much more practical. We even have 2 of our brand new homeowners living in their new homes. Congrats!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Street Of Dream Home Is Sold!

Bon Voyage to our 2011 NW Natural Street of Dreams home, Chateau Marseille – SOLD today!!!!

Congratulations to the lucky new home owners!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

7 Deadly Sins Of Overpricing

Most experts would advise that the best way to increase your
odds of a successful sale is to price your home at fair market

value. But, as logical as this advice sounds, for many sellers it is

still tempting to tack a few percentage points onto the price to

"leave room to negotiate". To avoid this temptation, let's take a

look at the seven deadly sins of overpricing:

1. Appraisal Problems

Even if you do find a buyer willing to pay an inflated price, the fact

is over 90% of buyers use some kind of financing to pay for their

home purchase. If your home won't appraise for the purchase

price the sale will likely fail.

7 Deadly Sins of Overpricing

2. No Showings

Today's sophisticated home buyers are well educated about the real estate market. If your home is overpriced they

won't bother looking at it, let alone make you an offer.

3. Branding Problems

When a new listing hits the market, every agent quickly checks the property out to see if it's a good fit for their

clients. If your home is branded as "overpriced", reigniting interest may take drastic measures.

4. Selling the Competition

Overpricing helps your competition. How? You make their lower prices seem like bargains. Nothing is worse than

watching your neighbors put up a sold sign.

5. Stagnation

The longer your home sits on the market, the more likely it is to become stigmatized or stale. Have you ever seen a

property that seems to be perpetually for sale? Do you ever wonder - What's wrong with that house?

6. Tougher Negotiations

Buyers who do view your home may negotiate harder because the home has been on the market for a longer

period of time and because it is overpriced compared to the competition.

7. Lost Opportunities

You will lose a percentage of buyers who are outside of your price point. These are buyers who are looking in the

price range that the home will eventually sell for but don't see the home because the price is above their pre-set


Most buyers look at 10-15 homes before making a buying decision. Because of this, setting a competitive price

relative to the competition is an essential component to a successful marketing

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sales Office Moving

Two things that I observed today. One, rain and two the sales office is being demolished. I can't believe that it is the middle of July and it is raining like it is March. I also can't believe that we are demolishing our sales office and converting it to garages.

With the change of interior features and changes in floorplans, it is time to say goodbye to our old models. I say old models, because we have brand new models that will be up and running in 2 weeks. I am excited for how smart they are laid out. So, come by and see the progress of the garage conversion and check out the new models.
Oh, I almost forgot, although we have 2 models sold, we still have 4 available. Now is the chance to buy an Arbor Model.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I Am Back

For those of you that don't know me, my name is Christopher Korenthal and I am the new Community Manager for Arbor Pass. Just over a year ago I was at Arbor Pass, but went to start another neighborhood. Now that the new neighborhood that I started is up and running, I am back to serve you here at Arbor Pass. I look forward to seeing you here, so please stop by!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Red Means Stop for Right Turns Too

Effective February 11, 2011, illegal right turns on red (such as rolling stops) will be added to the other red light traffic violations enforced at Photo Red Light intersections. Drivers who do not come to a complete stop at a red light before turning right will now be issued a citation when their violation is caught on camera at a Photo Red Light intersection. The Photo Light Intersections will include: Beaverton Hillsdale Highway/Griffith Drive, Hall Blvd/Scholls Ferry Road, Cedar Hills Blvd/walker Rd, and Allen Blvd/Lombard Ave. Keeping the citizens safe on roadways is a high priority for the Police Department. The goal of the Department's Photo Red Light Enforcement Program is to reduce violations, crashes and injuries. The department will now enforce right turn on red traffic violations at the intersections above mentioned. I was not sure how advertised this information was, so I thought it would be important for our Arbor Custom Home families to be aware of the new laws. It is still legal to make a right turn on a red signal once you have come to a complete stop at the stop line. So slow down and make sure to come to a complete stop.

Friday, February 4, 2011

What is an FHA Loan?

An FHA loan, is an Federal Housing Administration mortgage insurance backed mortgage loan which are provided by FHA-approved lenders. FHA insured loans are a type of federal assistance and have historically allowed lower income buyers to borrow money for the purchase of a home that they would not otherwise be able to afford. to obtain mortgage insurance from the Federal Housing Administration, a mortgage insurance premium (MIP) equal to a percentage of the loan amount at closing is required, and is normally financed by the lender and paid to FHA on the borrowers behalf. Depending on the loan to value ratio, there may be a monthly premium as well. Come in to Arbor Pass this weekend, and make an appointment to speak to Adam, our finance expert from Wells Fargo, to see if this would be a good fit for you? We are here Monday-Friday 12-5pm and 10-5pm Saturday and Sunday.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

PLANET HOME: Conscious Choices for Cleaning & Greening the World You Care About the Most
events - public events
When: Wednesday, January 26th 2011 10:30 am – 12 pm
Where: The Warehouse, 3434 SE Milwaukie Ave, Portland, OR 97202
PLANET HOME: Conscious Choices for Cleaning & Greening the World You Care About the Most
Alexandra Zissu, author of PLANET HOME, will be in Portland for this FREE special event to talk about ways to make conscious choices when cleaning your most cherished environment -- your home. All Portlanders are invited to join us for a chance to connect with your community and Alexandra for this informative and fun event. Enjoy complimentary food and beverages and an eco-friendly gift will be available for registered attendees. Please register as soon as possible using this link: Author and green living expert Alexandra Zissu offers comprehensive yet simple - and practical - green tips for any budget. Our everyday choices can have a tremendous impact - on the environment and our health. Did you know switching from hot to cold water when doing laundry saves 90% of the total energy cost, reduces indoor air pollution and is better for the clothes? Zissu suggests many easy changes and highlights common mistakes we all make. Newbies will learn to go greener faster and devotees will pick up insights and ideas to hone their eco-approach. Walk out inspired, empowered and with a heightened sense of how interconnected we all are in our shared planet home.Alexandra Zissu is a green living expert, environmental health journalist, eco consultant, speaker, mom and the author of The Conscious Kitchen and co-author of The Complete Organic Pregnancy and Planet Home.
The Warehouse is located at 3434 SE Milwaukie Avenue, Portland, OR 97202.More info at

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Models are FOR SALE.....

We are so excited, our models are moving. We have started construction on two new buildings here at the Pass. We have 8 new condo's that are available in the new buildings. The buildings are in great locations and right by the pool and clubhouse. This is a great time to buy an Arbor Custom Home at Arbor Pass. The units are early enough in the construction stage, that you can pick out your options. The other exciting news is that we are moving our models to one of the new buildings. That means that the models are for sale. Whenever people come through, they always want to pick the same features that the model offers. Well here is your chance. Come in this weekend and view the models and see which one you like???? It is a great time to buy an Arbor Custom Home. The interest rates are still very low, and so are the price of our condos. I hope to see you this weekend, and Adam from Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Arbor's preferred lender, would love to make an appointment to meet with you to see which plan would be a good fit. Don't forget about the Oregon Bond, Adam would be happy to see if you qualify for that. Happy home hunting.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Good news for first time home buyers. Oregon Bond has been able to approve funds to bring back its offering for 1st time home buyers. there are two options that buyers can take advantage of. The first one is Rate Advantage Home Loan: A qualified borrower will get the lowest fixed rate possible to maximize their home purchasing power. Rates, on this option are 3.875%. the second option is the Cash Advantage Home Loan: A borrower will get a low, fixed interest rate of their home loan along with cash assistance equal to 3% of their loan amount. The cash assistance will help to reduce the total cash they need to close the loan. Rates, on this option, are 4.25%. The buyer must meet certain qualifications, which are as follows: Buyer must be a 1st time home buyer, be an Oregonian, live in the residence, may not have been discharged from a bankruptcy within the past two years, prior to closing the loan. There are also income limits, as well as purchase price limits. There are eligible property restrictions. There may also be a recapture fee, if the buyer sell the house before a certain required time frame. This is just a jist of what the program restrictions are. Please come by Arbor Pass, and meet with either Krisiti, the managing agent at our site, or our preferred lender Wells Fargo, to get specific information regarding this exciting new First Time Home Buyers incentive. Great time to buy an Arbor Home....

Friday, January 7, 2011

What is the impact of raising interest rates when buying a home?

Buyers ask me daily, "have we hit bottom, as far as the price of homes?" I am not sure the answer to that, however I do know that the interest rate increase affects the buyer just as much as the price of a home. If you are one of those buyers that is waiting to see if we have hit bottom, be careful. You should be concerned about the monthly cost as well as the price. We all want the best value possible whenever you purchase something. However, when buying real estate, the best value is not determined by price alone. Value is determined by price and financing costs. You really need to take both into consideration when purchasing a home. Arbor Custom homes is partnered up with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, and have an amazing team that keeps updated on all that is happening in lending. If you want to find out how the interest rates affect your decision come into the Arbor Pass sales office, and we can set up an appointment with our lender, Adam and show you options for your future home.